symmetrical figuresBeitrags-Autor:Kurt HeppkeBeitrag veröffentlicht:22. August 2023Beitrags-Kategorie:midjourney / Shop/Galleryethnic immages with a piece of fabric and different colored motifs, in the style of assemblage works, in the style of rene sheri, lucy grossmith, vivid bold motifs, aries moross, elongated shapes – erstellt mit midjourney Das könnte dir auch gefallen a 10-year-old girl sits waiting with her dog on the ground holding a folder with the picture22. August 2023 Max und Moritz Max and Maurice: A boy’s story in seven strokes27. November 2024 Katzen30. Januar 2024
a 10-year-old girl sits waiting with her dog on the ground holding a folder with the picture22. August 2023